How much: 3
How long: 35:10 (11:43 pace)
Where: neighborhood
When: 7am/80 degrees, 84% humidity
August miles: 88
Total 2014 miles: 436.4
My right calf has been really sore all weekend. I've foam rolled, gotten multiple massages on it (courtesy of BB), and stretched it. And it was still sore when I woke up. Ran anyway.
It was incredibly stiff and changed my gait for the first 5 or 6 blocks, and then it loosened up and became manageable, at which point I noticed the heat, and while the humidity was stifling, clearly my body is beginning to acclimate. How dare summer finally choose to arrive! I swear to you if Chicago has another hot marathon...
12 more miles til I hit the century mark! As long as my leg holds out, I'll make it. I've come really close a time or two, so I'm pretty excited. :)
Lastly, all weekend long I ate and told myself "but I ran 18 miles, so..." Back to clean eating today.
Dead rodents spotted while running count: 12
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