Friday, July 25, 2014

(run #93) Race Report: Esprit de She 5k/10k

How much THEY say: 3.1
How much I say: 3.3 (3.31)
How long: 38:59 (they say 12:35; I say 11:49 pace)
Where: Esprit de She 5k @ Montrose Harbor (new location)
When: 7/24 7pm/65 degrees
July miles: 59.4
Total 2014 miles: 342.4

(I'll talk about the distance in a minute.)

As you know from reading my blog, I'm a sucker for anything Athleta or Title Nine...and this race is all about celebrating cool chicks and cool athletic gear. I will always do this race if nothing else for the t-shirt and really fun post-race stuff.

Post-race bubbly, anyone?

Back to the race report. I'm on day 4 of work this week where I'm getting up at 4am to work, then going in to work and working all day. I'm super close to being done with my two proposals, but last night I was working off of just 3.5 hours sleep. 4 if you count that half hour I snoozed on the red line.

I didn't leave work until 5:45 and went straight to the race, arriving 4 minutes before go time.'ll get you there, but they don't say nuthin about how long it'll take. Sheesh.

Here are some chicks at the start line, bridesmaids celebrating the bride's upcoming "getting hitched." Kinda cool I guess. I envied them a little. Maybe someday I'll get back in to running with friends at races.

Cue the national anthem, and we're off.

Legs: wait, what? You want us to run?
Mind: yes, that's the plan.
Legs: no! I won't do it!
Mind: hahahahahahahahahaha were you really just talking about possibly doing the 10k just yesterday? You are TIRED girl! You'll do this, but you need sleep!
Legs: (we're doing our best impression of being a lead-weighted bronze statue.)
Mind: don't walk.
Legs: we're going to walk up to that tree over there.

At about a mile and half in, this chick passed me and said "you got this girl!!!!" And I realized I must look like I feel.

And so there was never a question as to whether or not I would finish. It's just a 5k. But sheesh, did my legs ever hurt. I vowed to not run again until I get more sleep. Saturday. (My birthday!!)

The mile markers seemed off to me. But when we hit the 3 mile marker I knew for a fact we were off. I've run enough .1 and .2 to know the difference, and for SURE it was well beyond .1. Booooo!

I hate to be that one to question the race distance, but I'm not talking about extra distance on your Garmin bc you weaved around folks all over the course. I'm talking about the course measuring. And this is easy to let happen when you have two distances in the same race.

So I'm going with what MY distance says. 3.3. 3.31 to be exact, but I won't quibble about that .01.

Last year I ran this race and it was over by Lincoln Park Zoo. I like this spot better. Two years ago (exactly 104 weeks ago on the 4th Thursday in July) it was my birthday and I ran a 5k with friends. We went to Native Foods for dinner. At the end of that night someone sent me BB's number. Good day!

Anyhoo....after tonight's race I enjoyed the festivities, bought myself a super cute shirt, and rolled out. CTA, where ya at???

I ended up walking all the way back to the red line. I saw this store and found this sign amusing:

Sandwiches? Or maybe we need a sharpie marker and after "make" we write "^a damn good"? Do they realize this sign is wrong? Is there someone that works there that looks at this everyday and just shakes their head? I know that I would obsess over this sign every single day if I had to look at it everyday.

An hour and some change later I finally made it home. The sky was kinda cool as I walked the last few blocks home:


And now here I am writing, and now I'm about to go back to sleep. In the morning I can sleep in a bit until about 5, then it's back at it...proposals are nearing the finish line!

See you next year, Esprit de She! Mental Note: sign up for the Title Nine race in the fall. Although they could stand to pick up their game, Athleta clearly has them faded at this point.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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