Tuesday, July 15, 2014

stop worrying...no really! STOP WORRYING!

I read this quote about worrying from a blogger:

"We all worry. Worry is a verb, an action word. We chose to worry. The act of worrying gives teeth to negativity, allowing it to grow and gain strength within us, distorting your feelings and the situation. Yet it serves no purpose."

I'm a worrier. I got it honest. I grew up watching my Mom worry. It's just who she is. Chronic worrier. My worrying manifests itself in my constant planning out everything for any little weekend outing or event. I've worked hard to try to stop doing this so much, which I've been doing pretty well on--except when it counts (like having the foresight to have a reservation for dinner, right BB? That was kinda awesome--but I digress.)

I worry about stuff that's not necessarily ain't happening, but could possibly happen. And this quote is something I need to think about. Embrace it.

My worrying doesn't help the people or situations I worry about. Never has, never will.

Repeat after me: "The act of worrying gives teeth to negativity, allowing it to grow and gain strength within us, distorting your feelings and the situation. Yet it serves no purpose."

Stop worrying, stop germinating the seeds of your fears and insecurities.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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