Saturday, April 5, 2014

Walk #41

How much: 2
How long: 31:42
Where: neighborhood
When: 8pm-ish
April miles: 11
Total 2014 miles: 138.72

Today simply was not my own. Left out at 7am to drive from the edge of the lake to Portage Park to pick up my 10yr old from a sleepover, to Hyde Park for ballet, back home to Edgewater to finish cookies, to Oakbrook to deliver cookies,and finally back home.

With just under 8000 steps and tired like nobody's business, I feared ending my streak of 19 days with at least 10,000 steps. It's hard to come up that many steps in my place--it ain't that big.

So....I made sure the girls were fine and hit my neighborhood route for some brisk walking.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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