Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Run #7 Hello Friday, happy to see you!

Date/Time: Jan 11 at 5:45 am
Place: Treadmill at home
Mileage: 3.32
Time It Took: 36:45
Pace: 11:04 (weird!)
Miles this week: 12.03
Miles this month: 30.03
2008 Goal: 30.03/1000

Thoughts/Comments: How weird is that?! Same exact pace as Wednesday, but I didn’t do the same thing or same distance on the treadmill. I started out at 5.1mph,. quickly going up to 5.2 and stayed between there and 5.5 for awhile (going up a little every so often, not at any particular point except when it felt right…then at the end I ran a little over a quarter mile at 6mph (10 min miles). But I ended up with the same pace! That’s kinda cool. I think that happened last week too with my 11:11 days.

It was hard to get up this morning. I was up til midnight playing around on my new toy. (Please, click on the link before that comment starts swirling around in your head too much.)

Have a great Friday, ladies. Tomorrow is my “so-called” long run of 6 miles, the last training run with CES Winter Warriors (sniffle) and then I’m on my own for the spring season. I’m not doing the spring training b/c for one, it’s only for a half marathon and I’m training for a marathon, and for two, me and the hubby need to work out this Saturday morning schedule better. Saturday is his busiest work day. I want to get things fixed so that I can go back for the summer marathon training as a pacer.

Also, tomorrow is weigh-in at WW. Hopefully I’ll fare well. I had a couple of rough days, but now I’ve had two solid days of eating right on points. I figure if Zoe can conquer the seemingly insurmountable task of sleeping in her toddler bed, why I certainly can get my act together, too.

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