Thursday, March 6, 2014

Run/Walk #21

How much: 2.0

How long: 28:00

Where: LA Fitness treadmill/North Broadway

When: about 5pm on 2/27 (sue me, I'm super late on posting)

February miles: 21.31

Total 2014 miles: 62.25

Been dealing with knee pain and wasn't going to run at all that day, one week ago... There are so few cardio machines at the new gym and so I figured...EH.My knee hurts anyway. (EH is never a good excuse.) I did my strength training session for the day and was heading back to the locker room to get my things when VOILA...some chick got off the treadmill just as I was about to walk by. I took that as a sign. Walked a 1/4 mile, ran 1, then walked another 3/4. My knee was hurting, but every 1/4 mile I asked myself "Can I go longer?"

I went to the gym on Sunday and did my strength training again to complete my 3 sessions for the week. Work has been so hectic. I will get in and do my strength training this week, and I need to salvage my running...let me change that language. It doesn't need "saving." I will just do. It's progression...a journey, not an end point. I took a bunch of pictures of the new gym. It's very small, but I like it. I'll post about that in a bit. I promise.

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