Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I could tell you...

...that I haven't been tracking, and I've been eating like crazy.
...that I'm so disappointed in myself, and when will I ever be able to put the two together (good exercise habits AND good eating habits)

But even though I've been on this hiatus--haven't been to a WW meeting in WEEKS--I'm ok. No, I know I'm not losing weight because I can feel that I'm not. Hopefully I'm not gaining either.

The other day I started to beat myself up again and say to myself "Geez, it's a shame to do all this running and not lose a pound because you just keep eating and eating and eating." And on some days that's exactly how I feel. But then I realized, no one can take my runs away from me. I earned those runs, whether I'm hovering around 200 pounds or at goal. You can't take those 5am treadmill runs from can't take the 7 mile run along the lakefront at 25 degrees, on 5 hours sleep, even though I really kinda wanted to sleep in last Saturday.

I don't know why I'm having such trouble with my eating. I should probably try to figure it out.

I'm just rambling.


One long, deep sigh.

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