Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday Morning Boo-Ya!

So maybe you heard about this little iPhone alarm glitch. I did. I skimmed an article yesterday and my take away was that "I don't have any alarms set on repeat, so I'm fine." Reading comprehension is a beautiful thing. Apparently repeat alarms were the only ones NOT effected. So when I stayed up late watching football, news and Forensic Files, planning to get up early by alarm at 5am, only to wake up at 6:58....well, hell.

Happy Monday First Day Back At School/Work/etc...

Good thing I'd at least packed all of our lunches (resolution #10) and pre-packed bookbags, work bags (resolution #4), etc...and maybe I needed the extra sleep. And in my rush, I still got dinner into the crockpot too (resolution #11). Boo-ya! Unfortunately, I have a date with the treadmill tonight instead of this morning. (resolution #13.)

Anyway, Happy Monday. Ok, I'd better get back to working more efficiently at work (resolution #4.)

1 comment:

Lou said...

One of my resolutions is to pick out my work clothes the night before and pack my lunch. It really does help in the mornings especially when I sleep past my alarm, which is basically every day.