Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday 13, Special Holiday Edition

13. Run-Walk-Move
I will run or walk 1200 miles in 2011. This amounts to 100 miles each month or just under 3.3 miles per day, if I were to run or walk every day. Because I have attempted this before, I realize that this takes a real commitment. But anything higher would be far too presumptuous.

12. De-clutter
I have so much JUNK everywhere. I have all of my college notes stored in the basement from my undergrad major and minor. And every graduate course, as well. It's nuts. It's taking up space. While I may save a few history ones for old timesake, the majority must go. Maybe I'll allow myself one solitary filebox instead of 9 or 10. It's just nuts. And to be honest, this is really just the start of my clutter. I have other things saved too, like every picture I've ever taken, etc... Maybe I will digitize them. And my CDs? Time to upload the music somewhere and give away the CDs. I really listen to very few of them anyway. There's a possibility we might move this year, and it really would be a shame to move that junk again, like I did a few years ago. This includes the girls' toys as well.

11. Plan my meals.
Ok, i've gotten the hang of planning my meals for WW. But I often do something different for the girls. All of this needs to stop. One meal (for the most part) and plan a menu for the week and stick to it. If I already know that Mondays tends to be my "tired evening," then I won't plan something that requires an hour of prep time after a long day at work and hauling the girls around. So I will plan, at minimum, 4 weeknight meals. Why not 7? You don't know me. This is a huge step.

10. Stop buying lunch so much.Maybe this is cheating because I've already tried to do this to some degree. But 4 times a week I will bring my lunch from home. I currently work in the trendy Wicker Park neighborhood where good restaurants abound. Some of us in the office are moving to a new building that's just far enough away that these restaurants won't be as easy to get to. Good. This also means STOP BUYING DIET PEPSIs on the fly. (No, not drinking, but buying them at Walgreen's for $1.69 or more, when I could have better planned and bought them on sale at the grocery store. Special occasions only will I shell out $2-after tax-for my beverage of choice. Not every morning, just because.) So tell me...I bought a gift card for my favorite sandwich place because they had a holiday promotion of a free sandwhich. Does that count as "buying my lunch" if I'm not using cash anymore, if I'm using money already spent? (Is that shady? Am I being shady on my NYresolutions already? I'm not sure if that counts, I'd love your opinion.)

9./8./7. Memorial Day Weekend Kickass-ness Fitness Weekend
Something I've always wanted to do, and this year is the year:
Saturday: Soldier Field 10-Mile Run
Sunday: Bike the Drive
Monday: Ridge Run Memorial Day 5K/10K (already signed up for the 5K.) I did this run before, and it's in the lovely neighborhood of Beverly on Chicago's south side. 1 of my 2 most favorite homes in all of Chicago is located in this neighborhood. Should I ever win the lottery, I'm buying at their asking price. ;-) The picture below does it absolutely NO justice.

6. Save (more) money.
And get the girls set up with a bank account as well, an reinforce ideas of savings/spending/charity.

5. Pay off that BIG credit card.
Sheesh! I've been reading this book. Good, no-nonsense stuff that I really need to start applying.

4. Work more efficiently
Often times when I get to work, I'm so overwhelmed with things I need to get done for the girls, things related to my cookies, things related to work (fancy that), that I tend to get bogged down making to-do lists, sending emails, taking care of administrative stuff that I tell myself is to help me start the day more organized. Blah blah blah, this is bullshit. Get to work. Work more efficiently, and separate my time appropriately.

3. Speaking of my cookies.
Stop spending money on "OMG i HAVE to get that cookie cutter!" and other stuff. Start upkeeping my contact management database (which for now involves an inbox of thousands of emails...ACK!) Start marketing my cookies instead of relying on word of mouth. Word of mouth is great, but who knows how much I could really be selling? I don't, but I'd like to know. And continue to pursue local farmers markets. I need to develop a clear path. I don't have one now. It's easy to say "I don't know" about my cookie business because that means I haven't failed. Just stop it already.

2. Know when to/be comfortable with saying NO.
NO when I just can't take on another cookie order, because I have a project to finish at work and a ballet recital and a farmers market all on the same day. No, your last minute request won't do. NO when I don't want to go somewhere like the in-laws or out shopping with you or whatever. NO when I can't drop my project that I'm working on to help you find some random email you sent me 2 years ago.

1. Speaking of no....KNOW.
Know the value of my work when I price my cookies! Know that I do a great job with my girls! Know that I actually do a pretty good job at work! Know that I don't have to be perfect all the time, no one really expects that, do they? I need to remind myself of these things sometimes and act like I know that stuff. Time to stop the guesswork, I'm gonna be 40 in 2011.

I'll keep you posted with my progress every once in awhile. Mm-kay? Cool!

And what you don't see:
-lose weight (tired of resolutions. just do it already.)
-run a marathon
-read x books
-go to the gym X times/week (so i can break that when it snows 3 feet in february and the temperature dips below zero for 2 weeks straight?)

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