Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Two for two on Tuesdays

So I had another great Tuesday run...45 minutes (didn't look at my schedule until later, to see that actually I was supposed to do 50 minutes.) But anyway, I did .01 faster than last Tuesday, which I admit is really nothing. But I also had another decent negative split. Scratch that, an AWESOME split.

Here are the statistics, courtesy of my beloved Garmin:

Total Miles: 4.02 miles, average pace 11:12.

Mile 1 11:49
MIle 2 11:32
Mile 3 10:55
Mile 4 10:35

p.s. my husband's cousin, who started running and we run together on Tuesdays and Thursdays? She said today, "I'm going to train for the marathon next year." Hook. Line. Sinker. Got another one here, folks! Hee Hee Hee Hee, welcome to the madness, friend!

1 comment:

IronWaddler said...

Great job on the run and sucking someone else in. LOL.