Tuesday, July 28, 2009

RNR WW countdown 5-

Rock N Roll Half Marathon WEATHER WATCH, not Weight Watchers, for all you obsessed people like myself. But never fear, weather watching is an obsession, too. So here we are, 5 days out:

So let's see...62 degrees in the pitch black middle of the night means once we hit Lake Shore Drive and leave the shade of the downtown buildings, it'll be at least 70. Could be much worse. But with all this fabulous non-summer weather we've been having, I was hoping for lower temps. I mean, we've had a few glorious Saturdays when we ventured out at 60 degrees.

Anyhoo, the RNR WW countdown is on.

p.s. This is weatherman Jerry Taft's forecast. He rocks. Mainly so because he reminds me of my high school biology (and advanced biology) teacher, Mr. Purcell, who was the BEST. He was so cool, and I learned a lot, caught my hair on fire with a bunsen burner in class, and when his dog died, he told us and then proceeded to cry in front of us. It was an awkward moment, yes, but will forever be etched in my mind. MR. PURCELL WHERE ARE YOU? I promise not to let my disected cat muscles dry out again!

1 comment:

Lou said...

Yep. Totally thought Weight Watchers.