So on a day when running a mere 3 miles on the treadmill had me stopping to stretch twice, question my ability to finish, argue with myself that 1) it would be ok to just do two miles, but 2) you are already here, just do the 3 miles, or 3) maybe you are going to make your calf worse by trying to run the stupid 3 miles, is that number really all that important?
I went ahead and registered for the Chicago Endurance Sports marathon training program. The one I trained with in 2007. My girl Lou is actually gonna be a pace leader for 12:00'ers like ourselves. A friend from work is already registered to traing up to the halfway point, and she also plans to run a 12:00.
But yeah, i had "one of those runs" that just humbles you and reminds you that every run has the potential to be a challenge all by itself, in one way or another. And to think I have to run 11 miles on Saturday. Yikes.
p.s. By the way, the sun came out this afternoon. I came outside and was all like "Wait. Something's different. It's not dark and damp and dreary and misty and foggy and cold and non-springlike for a second." GASP. "It's the sun. The SUN!"
Way to go signing up for a training group !! Huge difference/ I run with Glen Ellyn Runners and love it.
Yaaaaaaaaaay! I'm not going to be able to sign up for the full program, because I'm moving to the 'burbs temporarily, but I'm signing up for the half program, just to run with my homies :) I'll be lookin' for you and Lou!!!
Like 90% of my training runs have been like that. They've just gotten better in the last week... finally :)
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