Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weigh-in WTHs

So I went to weighh in/pay the piper on Saturday...and I was soooo confused. Ok, so I went to a meeting back on 2/11...it was a Friday at a different location. I remember the meeting. I don't remember weighing in, well ok, I do NOW. But for whatever reason, I never logged it in my blog, and I literally had forgotten all about it. What I remembered was wanting to skip the weigh in and just attend the meeting. And I also had forgotten that the previous weigh in was one at home. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why that 196 wasn't in the WW system. And how I had a loss instead of a gain. Well I had a loss only because I had a huge gain 2 weeks back. WTH? I'm wayyyy to busy if I can't remember stuff that happens 2 weeks ago. At first I thought it was just a mental thing--like, I blocked it out because I didn't want to remember. But I had a similar experience in paying for lunches at the girls' school. I thought I owed money, but I'd paid the Friday before. ?

Anyway...back to weigh-in. I've been playing around with the same 8-10 pounds since November. This is stupid. When the going gets tough, I seem to revert back to old habits. Time to knuckle down and get on with the next 25. There are no tricks. Eat the right amount of points. Write them down. (Or in my case, use my WW iPhone app EVERY DAY FOR EVERY MEAL.) Exercise. Lose. Seems so simple, but it's not.

Take # 4,389.

1 comment:

Lou said...

I have a really hard time when I get to that weight which isn't my goal per say, but I'm comfortable, feeling good about myself because my clothes fit right and what not. That's when I allow myself to loosen up on the guidelines, etc. It's a hard process, but you can do it. I'm getting back on track with you.