Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nerves of a Wet Noodle: Part II it's been a weird week. Have barely made time to work out (just Sunday) though I plan to this evening, tomorrow and Friday. These fall-colored M&Ms and Brach's Autumn Mix candies have been calling my name from the kitchen. Solution! I packed them all up today. Some went to the first grade Thanksgiving hullabaloo, the others in the kitchen at work, in a bowl, with spoon next to it and paper cups. They're gone and I can't hear them anymore. YAY!

"Just one of me won't hurt!"

"Just a few, just eat 1 point worth! C'mon, you can stop when you want!"

Since we last spoke, i've still been obsessing. You haven't missed a beat. Here's what I have already journaled* in my food diary for the big day tomorrow:

2 pieces of Healthy Life white bread (1 point)
2 egg whites, seasoned with salt and pepper (1/2 point)
1 american cheese slice, 2% (1 point)
Total Points: 2.5 points (but that protein will keep me satisfied for a bit.)

MIDDAY (also known as "gametime")
1.5 cups cooked collard greens (1 point)
4 ounces turkey breast, roasted, no skin (3 points; turkey you ROCK)
4.5 ounces Honey Baked Ham brand (8 points and worth EVERY BIT OF IT, mmmm)
2 servings (1 cup) Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, a WW recipe (1 point)
1/2 cup Stove Top Stuffing (pretty sure we're getting box version) (4 points)
Total Points: 17 deeeeeeeelicious points.

3 ounces Honey Baked Ham (brand) (5 points)
2 servings (1 cup) Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, a WW recipe (1 point)
1 cup fresh spinach (0 points)
1 small tomato, cut (0 points)
1 T FF balsamic vinaigrette dressing (0 points)
Total Points: 6 points

That's a 1/2 point over. I guess I won't quibble about a half a point on Thanksgiving. I feel good about this now. I will report back to you on how I do! Wish me well!!!


*Is it really journaling if you're doing it via the WW app on your iPhone? Hmmm

UPDATE: I did great! While I didn't stick 100% to my already journaled plan above, I improvised. Here's how it went down. The dressing (stuffing) was not Stove Top--not that that's my preference anyway--but it looked like a lot of calories. I decided since it may/may not be great, why waste the points on it? There were also deviled eggs. Which. I. Love. So I had that instead, and dropped my soup as well. Then instead of leftovers for dinner, I just really didn't feel like it. I had a bag of 94% FF microwave popcorn instead. And that was it! Hooray. Tomorrow is weigh-in, let's see what happens.

UPDATE #2: I lost 2.0 pounds this week, but better than that, I hit the 25 pound mark AND went below 200. Yay!

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