Sunday, August 24, 2008

Run #78 Remember?

Date/Time: August 24 at about 8:30am
Place: Treadmill in my ultra-stuffy exercise room
Mileage: 2 miles
Time it took: 23:49
Pace: 11:54
MIles this week: 6.01
Miles this month: 32.01
2008 Goal: 455.10/1000

Thoughts/Comments: Hey you! Remember you're still trying to complete this training for the marathon again, right? What a week! After my Tuesday run, work was busy with a trip to South Bend, finishing up a proposal for a big project that if we land it, it'll be awesome, preparing for another RFP interview that's taking place this week, etc... Then along with my mother/sister-in-law, I was getting everything ready for my younger sister-in-law's baby shower. I did all the games, ordered/picked up the cake, and did 40 cookie favors, in the shape of onesies. (Tried to post a picture but to no avail.) On top of that, Friday was the girls last day at their daycare that they've been at for two years, so I made a dozen cookies for each of their classroom teachers (total of 4).

This upcoming week is going to be just as crazy, including the RFP interview, a work trip to Dubuque, and staying at home with the cherubs for 3 days (Mon, Thur, Fri), getting them ready for the new school year and their new school/daycare. Sooooo...since Saturday morning I was busy finishing up for the baby shower, and I knew I'd be too tired to run Sunday, I opted to do my long run for Monday morning. The girls and I didn't even get home last night til almost 11pm. This morning I slept in til after 8am...UNHEARD OF! Then I decided to run at least 2 miles on the treadmill so that my legs don't die of shock tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning I will run my 12 miles. For the remainder of my week, I will do the following: Thursday 3 miles; Friday 3 miles; Sunday my half marathon.

This evening I ran out to go pick something up at Walgreen's. As I exited the store, I had this strange feeling, I was all like "what is THAT? A CHILL?" BRING ON FALL, I SAY!!!!!!! Tomorrow morning it's supposed to be like in the upper 50's or low 60's. SWEET. Joey put the girls in bed tonight, and I think he must have fallen asleep up there. Ah, peace and quiet! A few minutes ago, I had to turn off the ceiling fan. Nice! And now, it's just me, my laptop, and the Lifetime Movie Network. Ah, the simple pleasures.

p.s. As i sit and type, I"m icing my knee. This morning I figured why bother, it was JUST a 2 mile run...and then my knee was kinda sore all day.

1 comment:

Soulseros said...

Hi Lindy! Yeah I'm back at it and I'm glad to be back to blogging. You're right, it's quite a big jump in mileage to do Chicago. And since you knee still isn't back what it used to bed it is gonna be tough if you decided to do it. Continue training and decide in a few weeks, because that knee might be getting stronger or still bothering you. Good luck in making that decision!