Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Run #1 And we're off....

Date/Time: Jan 1st at 1:30pm
Mileage: 4 miles on the treadmill
Time It Took: 46:04
Pace: 11:31
Miles this week: 4
Miles this month: 4
2008 Goal: 4/1000

Other: This was my first run on my treadmill at home since we moved. Even with the girls and all their toys, my husband and his "toys" and home office, I have managed to set aside a small room to myself, with a door and everything, just for my treadmill. It is AWESOME!

My run was pretty good until about the 3-mile mark when my girls started nosing around by the door (it has windows), but then they started cheering and yelling "Go Mommy!" so I felt like a superstar. Plus I was running faster than my so-called home-base pace of 12:00 minute miles.

Anyhoo, happy new year! I look forward to blogging here. I haven't quite yet decided what to do with my other blog at, but surely this blog allows for many bells and whistles that I just can't do on my 2007 blog.

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