Sunday, January 6, 2008

Run #4 Group Run with NO GROUP!

Date/Time: Jan 5 at about 7:45am after larger training team meeting
Weather: 35 degrees and windy-NICE!
Mileage: 8 miles
Time It Took: 1:36:13
Pace: 12:01
Miles this week: 18
Miles this month: 18
2008 Goal: 18/1000

Thoughts/Comments: My group of 12:00 minute milers has been small to begin with, a few people trying the 11:30 group, and others trying the 12:00 and 12:30 5/1 run/walk group...but this week, I knew that two others might not be coming, due to post holiday commitments. I brought along my iPod just in case. Well neither were there, so I started out with the 11:30's. About a half mile in, and noticing they were going at a 12:00, I decided to move ahead and see what I could do for the day. I came across the 11:00 group and ran with them awhile. Their pace leader has a cool English accent that I enjoyed for awhile. I dropped back a bit to listen to my iPod. That lasted about 2 miles before I didn't feel like listening to it. I've gotten used to listening to the sound of the lakefront instead of music on Saturdays, fancy that.

At about the halfway point, I stopped and had a GU and kept rolling. I was starting to feel really tired, and I'm not sure if it was starting out fast, my legs not being as fresh from the slight jump in mileage (haven't run more than 12-14 miles/week since October), not I took a few walking breaks to drink Gatorade and stuff.

Mentally I was just not there either. I kept thinking, how the heck am I gonna train by myself for Cincinnati? Who the heck do I think I am to try and run a marathon? Maybe I should stick to half marathons. I guess we all have days like this as runners. Sometimes its hard to just think about the task at hand. And really, that's the whole point of marathon, I probably shouldn't try to run a marathon TODAY or TOMORROW. But with good preparation and training, I can. Sigh. Today is a rest day and then off to week #2 in January. My goal for this week is 16-18 miles, which will require a longer midweek run since my last run for Winter Warriors next Saturday is only 6 miles.


p.s. Between Christmas and New Year's, I ate like you might imagine a rescued castaway would, big quantities, fast, a little of everything....I KNEW I was going to gain weight, and I went to my WW meeting anyway to weigh in. I figured if I "let myself off the hook" by not seeing the numbers, I might continue the tailspin.

p.p.s. I've been subject to horrible cramping in the past, see here and here from my old blog, if you care to read it-kinda long. Late last night those same cramps hit me BAD. I had my cell phone next to me, so I called dear hubby and asked him to bring me some water and some salt. Dummy! (me, not him!) Then I realized, after I ran, I didn't drink or eat until like NOON b/c I went to WW, then came home, then took a really long bath, then got the girls dressed who were still in their p.j.'s, then got them lunch, and THEN I ate. And then I hardly drank anything for the rest of the day, which is unusual. Not even my beloved diet pepsi. Live and learn. And keep learning.

1 comment:

Lou said...

I working hard to talk Meg into the Cincinnati half marathon. Regardless, she's signed up for Indy, which is also May 4. Here's the program that I'm going to follow: Half Marathon Training: Intermediate starting February 17. Maybe we can figure out how to combine our long runs so the three of us can do at least part of them together on the weekends?